The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge joint that connects your jaw bone, or mandible, to the temporal bones of your skull. Problems with your jaw and the muscles that control it are properly known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD), however, you may hear it referred to simply as TMJ. It may be caused by an incident like whiplash from a car accident or a heavy blow to the jaw, face or neck. However, it can also be caused by grinding your teeth at night, chewing gum excessively, or stress which may cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench your teeth.
Temporomandibular disorder often causes severe pain and discomfort in the face, jaw, neck or shoulders which might be temporary or last years. It affects women more commonly than men, and especially those between the ages of 20-40. TMD may present as a clicking or popping sound in the joint when opening or closing the jaw. TMJ issues may also cause your jaw to get stuck in an open or closed position, headaches, earaches, dizziness or ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
At Stabilized Chiropractic, treatment for TMD will consist of soft tissue work around the temporomandibular joint, stretches, exercises (both in the office and at-home), LASER therapy, ShockWave therapy, cryotherapy, and if necessary, osseous adjusting. Adjustments to the jaw, when done properly, can be very safe and effective, however, due to the pain and inflammation usually caused by TMD, they are usually reserved for after the other treatment modalities have calmed the situation down.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy
The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and originates in the lumbar and sacral areas of the spine. It extends through the buttock area, and continues down the back of each leg to the feet. Sciatica is pain that travels down the sciatic nerve, and may be associated with tingling, numbness or weakness in the low back, thigh or lower leg areas. Typically, sciatica affects only one leg, however more rarely it can be felt in both lower extremities. It can be caused by a bulging (herniated) disc in the lumbar spine which puts pressure on the nerve roots exiting the spinal cord, or by irritation of the sciatic nerve itself in the buttocks area or further down the leg.
Chiropractic care has an excellent track record of reducing the frequency of sciatic pain, the severity of the pain, or both. At Stabilized Chiropractic this is accomplished by reducing the pressure on the nerve roots through chiropractic adjustments and decompression on our Flexion-distraction tables, and decreasing inflammation by cryotherapy, LASER treatments, and dietary modification or supplementation. Typically our patients experience relief after the first appointment, and continue to improve over a few days or weeks until the symptoms disappear completely.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy
Shockwave therapy is currently being used to treat a growing number of joint, tendon, and muscular disorders. These include: arthritis of multiple joints, tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), tendinitis of numerous muscles, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) and many other inflammatory conditions. These conditions are often difficult to treat using other methods and can become chronic. These findings have been tested extensively in double blind studies where patients report reduced pain and faster healing, without side effects, and these results are reported as excellent.
Shockwave therapy utilizes abrupt, high amplitude pulses of mechanical energy, similar to sound waves. The therapy promotes catabolic processes that remove damaged tissues and stimulates wound healing mechanisms. Shockwave therapy also stimulates angiogenesis which is the formation of new blood vessels so the treated area will benefit in the future from increased circulation.
At Stabilized Chiropractic, Shockwave therapy is preformed via our 2nd generation PiezoWave² from Richard Wolf. Sessions last approximately 10-15 minutes and patients should wear clothing that allows access to the affected area, as Shockwave therapy requires direct contact to the skin.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy
A headache is a painful sensation located in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, and may occur with other associated symptoms. There are several categories of headaches, and properly diagnosing the type of headache being experienced is crucial to getting the correct care. Tension headaches are the most common form, and are often described as a band-like tightness or pressure that originates in the back of the head or upper neck that may spread to encircle the head. The sub-occipital muscles (located at the base of the skull) are often involved, especially the Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor, which has a direct connection to the dura mater that covers the brain. The associated pain is usually not debilitating or associated with nausea, or an aura, and usually the most intense pressure may be felt at the temples or over the eyebrows.
Chiropractic care has an excellent track record of helping patients decrease the frequency of headaches, the severity of headaches, or both. At Stabilized Chiropractic, headaches are treated by a combination of manual chiropractic adjustments, stretches, soft-tissue work (massage), as well as recommendations for at-home stretches, exercises, and stress management techniques. These techniques work to release the tension in the sub-occipital muscles, and with regular care, reset the proprioceptors, especially the Golgi tendon organs, in those muscles, so that the muscles remain under less tension, causing less headaches. Many patients experience relief after their very first visit, and their condition continues to improve with subsequent adjustments.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy
A headache is a painful sensation located in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, and may occur with other associated symptoms. There are several categories of headaches, and properly diagnosing the type of headache being experienced is crucial to getting the correct care. Tension headaches are the most common form, and are often described as a band-like tightness or pressure that originates in the back of the head or upper neck that may spread to encircle the head. The sub-occipital muscles (located at the base of the skull) are often involved, especially the Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor, which has a direct connection to the dura mater that covers the brain. The associated pain is usually not debilitating or associated with nausea, or an aura, and usually the most intense pressure may be felt at the temples or over the eyebrows.
Chiropractic care has an excellent track record of helping patients decrease the frequency of headaches, the severity of headaches, or both. At Stabilized Chiropractic, headaches are treated by a combination of manual chiropractic adjustments, stretches, soft-tissue work (massage), as well as recommendations for at-home stretches, exercises, and stress management techniques. These techniques work to release the tension in the sub-occipital muscles, and with regular care, reset the proprioceptors, especially the Golgi tendon organs, in those muscles, so that the muscles remain under less tension, causing less headaches. Many patients experience relief after their very first visit, and their condition continues to improve with subsequent adjustments.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy
A headache is a painful sensation located in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, and may occur with other associated symptoms. There are several categories of headaches, and properly diagnosing the type of headache being experienced is crucial to getting the correct care. Tension headaches are the most common form, and are often described as a band-like tightness or pressure that originates in the back of the head or upper neck that may spread to encircle the head. The sub-occipital muscles (located at the base of the skull) are often involved, especially the Rectus Capitus Posterior Minor, which has a direct connection to the dura mater that covers the brain. The associated pain is usually not debilitating or associated with nausea, or an aura, and usually the most intense pressure may be felt at the temples or over the eyebrows.
Chiropractic care has an excellent track record of helping patients decrease the frequency of headaches, the severity of headaches, or both. At Stabilized Chiropractic, headaches are treated by a combination of manual chiropractic adjustments, stretches, soft-tissue work (massage), as well as recommendations for at-home stretches, exercises, and stress management techniques. These techniques work to release the tension in the sub-occipital muscles, and with regular care, reset the proprioceptors, especially the Golgi tendon organs, in those muscles, so that the muscles remain under less tension, causing less headaches. Many patients experience relief after their very first visit, and their condition continues to improve with subsequent adjustments.
Watch Dr. Drew Stabile explaining the benefits of the Cranio-Sacreal Therapy