NEW Animal Chiropractic Services
We are now certified to offer Animal Chiropractic services to all our clients. Veterinary chiropractic is a relatively young profession that is growing and evolving quickly, and it is frequently used to treat a variety [...]
Magnesium Deficiency
Our muscles require sodium for muscular contractions, and we require magnesium for those muscles to relax again. Ideally, we would consume 4x as much magnesium as sodium to maintain a proper balance. Unfortunately, in Western [...]
Core Strength – Doing Planks
These days most people are aware of the need to have and maintain a strong core. A strong core will help support the weight of your head and torso and will prevent excessive pressure on [...]
Gluteal Amnesia
In today’s society, with many people working at desks for long periods of time, coupled with increasing commute lengths, means that too many people spend the majority of their time awake in a seated [...]
Pronation – Plantar Fasciitis
Athletes are a different kind of human. They will often endure hardships the rest of the world would shy away from in order to shave a few seconds off their time, lower their score [...]
TMJ Disorder – TMD – Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Most people use the acronym TMJ disorder or syndrome incorrectly. TMJ actually stands for temporomandibular joint, and with the exception of some few, very rare congenital disorders, we all have two of them. What [...]